
From Dolomites to Noce river

If you are looking for an idea of ​​combined activities in a package for the whole family, here is one of the many Trentino Wild proposals! The family rafting package + Lago dei Caprioli e-bike will leave you satisfied and satisfied! The two experiences together create the perfect combination for those looking for activities in contact with nature, to be discovered either through a guided tour up to the spectacular Caprioli lake; than during an exciting rafting trip on the most beautiful rapids of the famous Noce river. The activity is accessible to everyone, it does not require previous specific skills other than a fair ability to ride a bicycle (the itinerary is simple) ... and a great desire to be outdoors!

Suitable for
bachelorette party, family, children, teenagers, groups
1 or 2 days
Form April to September

Book now!


The e-bike tour Lago dei caprioli activity is an excursion accompanied with a guide, which starts from our main structure in Dimaro where you will be provided with bikes, to develop on a portion of the track Val di Sole cycle path, then passing through a mountain itinerary until it reaches the beautiful Lago dei Caprioli, on land accessible on a path suitable for all legs, thanks to the help of our brand new electric bikes. Rafting ...pure adrenaline! Descent into the river aboard rafting rafts, led by your guide who will be able to entertain you in the waves and rapids of the river! Lots of fun guaranteed in the mountains of the Dolomites on the saddle of the comfortable e-bike on the tour to the lake and with the wetsuit on in the cool waters of the Noce!

  • T-Shirt oder Microfleece zum Tragen unter dem Neoprenanzug;
  • Badeanzug zum Tragen unter dem Neoprenanzug;
  • Ersatzturnschuhe (geschlossene Schuhe), sie werden nass ;
  • Handtuch/Bademantel, Hausschuhe und Wechselgeld für die Dusche nach der Aktivität;

  • der Jahreszeit entsprechende Kleidung
  • bequeme Schuhe
  • Möglichkeit zum Duschen nach der Aktivität
  • Rucksack mit k - Weg, Wasserflasche und Snacks
  • E-bike tour activities for ages 8 and up
    Rafting activity for ages 6 and up

    Trentino Wild Val di Sole Rafting Center in Dimaro has over 40 years of experience in organizing outdoor activities and extreme sports in Trentino Alto Adige. Safety and quality always come first.
    During the rafting descent there is a test of aquaticity which will allow you to test the energy of the "wild water"; a beautiful experience in complete safety as our guides will be ready and vigilant at all times on you.

    water activities are guaranteed even in case of rain. For e-bike excursions, in the event of light rain, they are in any case guaranteed; in the event of adverse weather conditions, the organization reserves the right to make changes to the program in order to reschedule the outing.

    At the reception you can rent an Action Cam to capture your adventures! The rental is free and an SD card is supplied with it, which must be purchased. The rental can only be made after purchasing the SD card. We will shot some photos during the activity; you will receive a link to the email left during check-in, which will allow you to see the pre-view and possibly buy the photos of your activity online!

    From April to September

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    Associazione italiana professionisti dell'acqua viva
    rescue project