Activities for schools and groups_

Activities for schools and groups

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SCHOOL TRIPS 2023-2024: We have lots of ideas for school field trips!

School trips to Trentino for school groups
In our "outdoor classroom" in contact with nature and fellow students.
Sports, culture, socializing ... fun!
Trentino Wild, an ISO 901:15 and Covid Free certified company
High quality of equipment, professionalism and safety at the TOP!
A wide and diverse range of educational and cultural activities to meet specific requests and adapt to the age of the participants.
Customized and shared programs: we can combine sports activities with cultural experiences in the area, programs of all types and for all needs!
Socialization, teamwork, aggregation and integration; the big issues that we face every day in the classroom but that we can concretize through outdoor activities!
School trips of one day or from several days, that we can plan together and engage kids in unique and aggregative experiences!

The thrill of being suspended in nature
Trentino Wild adventure park is totally built with the continuous lifeline system: a carabiner will always remain attached to the safety cable, thus ensuring 100% safety on the trails. Equipment and park annually certified, an in...
2 h
Difficulty level
All classes of all grades
Suitable for
Escape outdoor per scuole e gruppi
Escape outdoor: la forza del team tra gli enigmi del bosco!
Enigmi da risolvere, giochi di squadra e livelli da superare ... la nostra escape room è all'aperto! Tra i boschi ed i parchi nei dintorni del Centro Outdoor di Caldes, il gruppo dovrà soluzionare, con la forza del team, le sfide che ogni indizio tro...
2 ore
Difficulty level
facile e divertente
Suitable for
Rafting trip for groups
Learning while having fun
Navigating the Noce River has never been safer and more fun!
An ideal activity forclass groups of all kinds and levels, navigating the Noce river in an easy and fun section. But that's not all, culture of the territory and approach to water will also be the protagonists of our descent. The...
2,5 h
around 6 km
Suitable for
Canyon school
Learning while having fun
Scuola di canyoning
Mini corso di canyoning. 8 ore divisi in prima parte di teoria e seconda parte pratica.Si impareranno le tecniche di base per scendere un canyon in sicurezza, nodi, ancoraggio, e manovre base di autosoccorso.

Possibilità di aggiungere più giornat...
8 ore
Difficulty level
Suitable for
teenagers, groups
Riding a bike ... pedaling in nature!
School field trips with biking activities among the routes of Trentino!
Discovering the territory on a bike
Become familiar with the bike and the rules of bike riding
Have fun on bike routes with experienced MTB guides
3 h
Difficulty level
Suitable for
A canyon of emotions for Groups
Guided canoe trip in the fascinating and wild gorges of the Rio Novella.Experience especially suitable for families and couples.
Activity accessible to all.
Possibilità di trasporto a cura di Trentino Wild in omaggio.
The tour will consist of the ...
3½ hrs
Difficulty level
Suitable for
survival didattico e per gruppi
Learning while having fun
Tracce nel bosco: piume, tane, impronte e fatte…
Uscita didattica ed esperenziale in natura con lo scopo di conoscere e riconoscere le tracce lasciate dagli animali.
L'importanza di imparare divertendosi con iu compagni d'avventura!
1/2 giornata
Difficulty level
Suitable for
children, groups
Paintball for Groups
Learning while having fun
Team play that stimulates teamwork! Learning to communicate by pursuing a common goal!
Paintball: respect for rules and teammates
Learn to be in a group and achieve the common goal!
Qualified and licensed staff
At the Outdoor Center ideal for school field trips!
1 hr
Difficulty level
Scuola di sicurezza in acqua
Learning while having fun
Sicurezza in acqua aiutaci ad aiutare.
Si sente sempre più spesso di ragazzi che cadono in fiume, o si avvicinano a zone pericolose di fiume. Trentino WILD è sede di formazione al soccorso fluviale ed alluvionale. Forma personale specializzato come vigili del fuoco, militari, e protezioni...
8 ore
Difficulty level
Suitable for
Hit the target!
Concentration and aim are the two main ingredients for shooting the arrow and hitting the target! Like Robin Hoods, equipped with bow and arrows, kids will be introduced to the discipline and technique of archery in complete safety, supervised by qua...
1,5 h
Difficulty level
Trekking for schools
To do in group
School trips to Trentino ... hiking and nature walks!
School trips immersed in the unspoiled nature of our beautiful Natural Parks in Trentino are the best solutions to accompany groups of kids in unforgettable experiences!

Trentino, a heritage of nature and trails all to be discovered! Together with...
variable from mid-day to full-day
Minigolf and Padel for groups
Learning while having fun
Minigolf for the students!
Minigolf and Padel both games in which concentration and metering of strength are the secret! A few simple rules for Minigolf, a few more for Padel which promotes the development of new skills related to team sports and movement.
1h 30 min for about 12 holes Maximum time: 2h
Visita uno dei canyon più belli in Italia.
Una della attività più scelte dalle famiglie e dai gruppi scuola e gruppi estivi.
La visita geologico-naturalistica al Canyon Rio Sass è adatta dai 6 anni in su.
Sono 2,5 km di percorso da fare su grig...
2 ore
2.5 km
Suitable for
Museo dell'Ape
To do in group
Visitare il Museo dell'Ape. Un'eccellenza in Val di Sole. Guide esperte ti accompagneranno a scoprire un modo magico quello delle Api e della loro importanza. Le ami non sono sono animali che producono miele, ma sono portato di vita. Senza di loro l'...
2 ore
Difficulty level
Suitable for
Museo del cioccolato
To do in group
Una visita al museo del cioccolato una delle aziende più grandi in Italia. In Val di Sole la Fabbrica di cioccolato che vi farà vivere un viaggio unico. Assaggi di prodotti, dai semi di cioccolato a tutto il procedimento. Ci saranno parti virtuali e ...
2 ore
Difficulty level
Suitable for
Culture and territory
To do in group
Discovering the land and nature!
Culture and Territory In addition to the outdoor activities, to which we give an educational slant, we can offer you cultural opportunities related to the territory: visit to the APE MMAPE museum visit to the chocolate factory CIOCOMITI the interesti...
Difficulty level
Suitable for
Orienteering Game
Learning while having fun
Lost your compass? Find it again at Trentino Wild!
A very funny activity and formative at the same time. The activity take place into the woods and in natural places. With compass, card and lantern, discovering our places.
It's possible to do this activity also by bike.
half day
Difficulty level
easy, suitable for team building
Suitable for
River Adige Soft Raft
To do in group
Class field trips and educational outings: outdoor and culture for school
The activity of Soft Rafting on the Adige take place in Trento. A different kind of rafting, you dont' came out wet and you can watch the city from another point of view
Adapt from 3 years and up
2 hrs.
10 km
Suitable for
children, teenagers, groups
logo semplice TrentinoWild

Activities for schools and groups in Val di Sole, Trentino:
What you need to know before the experience

With us you can create customized trip packages! Activities such as didatic rafting, tree adventure park, visits to museums of wood, of bees; MTB for kids, trekking in the Stelvio National Park, canoeing in the Rio Novella canyon, paintball for kids, climbing for schools .... and even a visit to the very interesting Chocolate Factory in Malè, visits to farms and much more!

Una gita in Trentino sicura, formativa e indimenticabile!
Attività quali rafting didattico, parco avventura sugli alberi, visite ai musei del legno, delle api; MTB per ragazzi, trekking nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, canoa nel canyon Rio Novella, paintball per ragazzi, arrampicata per le scuole .... e ancora visita alla interessantissima Fabbrica del Cioccolato di Malè, visite ad aziende agricole e molto altro ancora!

Il Rafting Center Trentino Wild Val di Sole, con le sue sedi di Dimaro, Croviana, Caldes e Cles, ha un'esperienza di oltre 40 anni nell'organizzazione di attività outdoor e sport in Trentino Alto Adige. Nel corso degli anni, l'organizzazione si è fortemente specializzata nel settore “gite scolastiche” attraverso progetti esperienziali outdoor per la scuola, in cui tutte le attività hanno un risvolto formativo ed educativo. Professionalità, sicurezza e qualità sono sempre al primo posto.

Aprile - Settembre


Associazione italiana professionisti dell'acqua viva
rescue project