
The thrill of being suspended in nature

Experience excitement through tree trails! There are many hanging trails, of different heights and difficulties, suitable for groups and classes of all ages! Adventures in complete safety among the pristine nature of our beautiful Val di Sole!
Teach participants to approach the trails safely and correctly by developing observation and movement skills in verticality. Encourage the acquisition of new motor patternsand stimulate courage and tenacity. Teach the basics of using safety equipment and raise awareness of the safety culture itself and risk assessment. Having fun!!!

Suitable for
2 h
Difficulty level
All classes of all grades
from April to September

Book now!

Adult(+18 years old)20.00€
child(10-12 years old)20.00€
Kid(6-9 year old)20.00€
Kid(13 -17 years old)20.00€


The tree adventure park activity, also known as "albering" or "rope course," consists of tackling suspended courses (pulleys, Tibetan bridges, catwalks, tunnels ect... ) between trees.

CLOTHING TO BRING ADVENTURE PARK IN THE TREES:Appropriate sportswear for the season (we recommend clothing that can get dirty - on trees there is a possibility of the presence of resin) comfortable shoes with good soles (hiking - light hiking - sneakers)

EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY THE CENTER FOR ADVENTURE PARK IN THE TREES:Certified harness, with two carabiners (including a lifeline carabiner) and dissipator. Hygiene cap, Helmet

Children must be at least 1.10 m tall; up to 1.20 m must be accompanied by an adult.

Rafting Center Trentino Wild Val di Sole, with its locations in Dimaro, Croviana and Caldes, has more than 40 years of experience in organizing outdoor activities and sports in Trentino Alto Adige. Over the years, the organization has strongly specialized in "school trips" in outdoor projects for schools where all activities have a formative and educational aspect. Professionalism, safety and quality always come first. Rely on Rafting Center Trentino Wild Villaggio outdoor for professionalism, quality and experience in the world of outdoor, sports and school trips in Trentino.

Activity guaranteed even in case of light rain unless assessed by the organization of the presence of conditions hindering the conduct of the activity

The tree adventure park Trentino wild Park in Val di Sole is open from mid-April to mid-September daily, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (time for last access)

Frequently Asked Questions - adventure park for schools and groups

The Adventure Park activity for schools and groups lasts for 2 hours

The activity is guaranteed even in the case of light rain unless the organization evaluates the presence of conditions that prevent the activity from taking place.

Trentino Wild staff is available to give you support in finding the accommodation most consistent with your needs!

All the green spaces and the fields in our Caldes base are available for the boys to eat their sacks at lunch or to wait for the departure

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Safety first!

ISO 9001
  • Certified equipment
  • Qualified and certified personnel for each professional sector
  • Training centre for Safety in the workplace D .Lgs 8108
  • Company certifications (ISO 9001:2015 )
  • Cardio-protected facilities
  • sanitization products and procedures in line with current directives

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Associazione italiana professionisti dell'acqua viva
rescue project