Immerse yourself in nature!
Visitare i canyon più belli del Trentino. Trasporto incluso dalla Val di Sole. Partiremo con un piccolo trekking di 10 minuti su un sentiero immerso nella natura. Il trekking percorre le sponde del lago, in un itinerario in discesa (circa 50 mt di dislivello), fino a raggiungere la riva, dove troveremo il nostro Trentino Wild boat! Salirete sui mezzi a motore e dopo un piccolo giro i condurranno ai kayak. Entrerete nei canyon del Novella accompagnati dalle guide esperte. Al rientro sui mezzi a motore degusterete assaggi di prodotti tipici in totale relax e poi si rientra. Finita l'attività, rientreremo dallo stesso itinerario a piedi risalendo la sponda del lago (affronteremo la salita pian piano con qualche piccola tappa per ammirare il paesaggio!) e sarete riaccompagnati presso l'info point Trentino Wild di Cles; per coloro che hanno usufruito del trasporto verrà riaccompagnato presso il centro di Dimaro. Esperienza unica per le famiglie, gruppi, che ricorderete per sempre.
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Next departures
Below are the next free rounds where you can go on an adventure!
- swimsuit (shorts are better);
- t-shirt or micropile, depends on the temperature;
- trainers that will get wet;
- a snack and something to drink in a small backpack;
- a change of clothes, flip flops and a towel for a hot shower after the activity
Frequently Asked Questions - Kayaking in the Rio Novella Canyons
The kayaking activity on the Rio Novella in Trentino is an exciting experience that allows you to navigate, with a specially designed kayak, the waters of a fascinating river and discover the natural beauty of the area. It is suitable for anyone who is interested in venturing onto the waters, whether you are already experienced or not.
Yes of course! The canoes used are called sit on top, they are very stable, open and 2-seater canoes, specifically designed to be used even by people with no experience.
Yes! Children aged 5 and more can kayak, when accompanied by a parent.
Between 3 and 4 hours (half a day).
We have two time slots available: at9:00 or at 14:00.
It is important to take part in the activity accompanied by expert guides or qualified instructors that know the land well and can guarantee your safety throughout the activity, just like our Trentino Wild guides.
Rio Novella offers a variety of kayaking routes suitable for different skill levels, from beginner to expert. You can tackle thrilling rapids, navigate enchanting gorges, and enjoy breathtaking scenery along the way. Our experienced instructors will be there to guide you and make sure you have a safe and fun time navigating.
Trentino Wild offers two possibilities:
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Vieni a metterti alla prova!
L'importanza di imparare divertendosi con iu compagni d'avventura!
Activity accessible to all.
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The tour will consist of the ...