School trips to Trentino ... hiking and nature walks!
To raise children's awareness of nature and the environment through a sporting activity that stimulates body and mind. To develop motor and perceptual skills, orientation skills in space and time, stimulating observation and use of the senses. Propose an outdoor sports-cultural educational activity, raising awareness of respect for nature and its observation, in a context of socialization and exchange, in favor of self-confidence and trust in others, self-esteem, relationship and mutual aid among peers. The trekking activity, in addition to being an experience of a sporting nature, is very versatile in terms of the content and routes to be taken, so we invite preliminary contacts to agree on routes and any specific content that is appropriate to the age of the participants and their abilities.
The activity can be combined with other activities to go to create a package, which can be structured in synergy between Trentino Wild and teachers so as to be consistent in content. For this reason, preliminary contacts are invited to define together educational content and organizational details
Athletic clothing appropriate for the season (we recommend mountain clothing, comfortable, with multiple layers of clothing);
Comfortable shoes with good soles (hiking - light trekking);
Water bottle with water;
Small snack;
Other activities that may interest you
Build your package to your liking by choosing from:
- 1 Wild activity
- 2 Experience activities
Build your package to your liking by choosing from:
- 2 Wild activity
- 2 Experience activities
Build your package to your liking by choosing from:
- 2 Wild activities
- 3 Experience activities