
Pure adrenaline!

A crazy power rafting descent on the Noce River (in Val di Sole, northern Italy) for those looking for adventure, adrenaline and top fun! An original and unique idea to spend a fun and adrenaline-filled party with friends.
The real Power and inimitable, navigates the lower reaches of the Walnut River the most beautiful, where there are the most fun rapids.
Designed for special events such as birthdays, bachelor and bachelorette parties but also available to all people who want to experience the river in a sparkling and fun way! Competitions between crews, fun river lines, diving and swimming trials ... that's what's in store for you! Two hours of PURE ADRENALINE.
It will be an unforgettable experience ... and to be able to share the memory with your friends and family, Rafting Center Trentino Wild, has an interesting photo editing service of your adventure!

Suitable for
bachelorette party, bachelorette party, teambuilding, groups
2 hours 30 minutes t
10-12 kms
mid-April to mid-September
Difficulty level

Book now!

Adult(+18 years old)69.00€
Kid(15-17 year old)69.00€
Choose date and time


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Below are the next free rounds where you can go on an adventure!

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How does Power Rafting take place?
  • meeting at the secretariat at the time established during the booking phase for registration and payments
  • delivery of technical equipment, changing rooms for dressing
  • transfer to the embarkation point with the Trentino Wild coaches
  • guide presentation and theoretical-practical lesson on safety and behavior in the river
  • launching the dinghies and... the adventure begins!
  • li>
    at the landing point, return by Trentino Wild bus
  • delivery of equipment, shower and accommodation

Once the activity is over, we are waiting for you .... you can buy souvenir photos of this exciting adventure or book other activities in the "Wild" world!

  • T-shirt or microfleece to be worn under the wetsuit;
  • Swimsuit to be worn under the wetsuit;
  • Spare trainers, they get wet;
  • Towel/bathrobe, slippers and change for after-activity shower;

Rafting descent reserved for ages 16 and up!

The Trentino Wild Val di Sole Rafting Center in Dimaro has over 40 years of experience in organizing outdoor activities and extreme sports in Trentino Alto Adige. Safety and quality always come first.
During the rafting descent there is a test of aquaticity which will allow you to test the energy of the "wild water"; a beautiful experience in complete safety as our guides will be ready and vigilant at all times on you.

Don't worry about the weather forecast!
Rafting is guaranteed even in bad weather: rain or shine, the result will always be the same ... water a go-go! The cool waters of the Noce River will have guaranteed a wave of fun!

Photographs will be taken during the activity, which you can purchase at the end of the activity! But that's not all: do you want to relive the emotions of this adventure, making it truly unforgettable?

Trentino Wild offers you the possibility to rent an action cam for free (upon purchase of the 32GB SD card), which you can take with you and shoot the highlights of your adventure!

from May to September

Frequently Asked Questions - Rafting

1) scheduled meeting at our offices (depending on the location where you will be conducting activities, specified in the reservation email) at the time established in the reservation to do the activity registration and payment.
2) You will be taken to the locker room where you will be given all the necessary equipment (wetsuit, water jacket, life jacket and helmet).
3) Guides will conduct a short theoretical safety lecture and explain how to participate in the rafting activity (the various types of paddling, commands, how to swim, etc.).
4) At the pre-arranged time, you will be taken in our minibuses to the embarkation point where you will meet your Rafting Guide, with whom you will do some dry runs out of the water before departing.
5) From here then the real rafting adventure begins! After riding the rushing waves of the Noce River on the rafts of the Val di Sole Rafting Center in Dimaro, at the disembarkation there will be our bus waiting for you again that will take you back to the base where you can access the changing rooms, change and take a hot shower.

the price range for rafting starts from 35 up to 80 euros per person, depending on the type of descent (for individuals, families, groups or for long descents).

- swimsuit or shorts
- sneakers (or neoprene diving/surfing socks)
- tight-fitting long-sleeve shirt or T-shirt
- bath towel or bathrobe for shower at the end of the activity in our comfortable locker rooms (we care a lot about hygiene!)

The best time to go rafting is from early April until September

  • Children under 6 years;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Anyone who is not in good health or has contraindications to this activity;
  • Yes! You can go rafting even if you don't know how to swim, just don't be terrified of the water.
    Our staff will provide all the necessary equipment such as helmets and life jackets!

    The average rafting activity lasts an approximately 3 hours, including acceptance, initial briefing with guides, descent and return to the starting base

    Rafting is not dangerous if you rely on professionals and follow their instructions.
    It is very important to pay attention to what the guide explains before entering the water at the briefing and during the descent, after which there is nothing left to fear!
    > The Trentino WILD Centre is officially recognised as a rafting company and rafting school, where only professionals with a specific licence operate. The Trentino Wild Centre is home to the National School for River and Flood Rescue Training, to which river professionals go to attend courses on living water safety (e.g. military army, air force, special corps, fire brigade, civil defence, rafting guides, mountain guides). Our rafting guides must pass strict conducting and river rescue examinations and have perfect knowledge of the routes open to the public. The Centre's instructors are also qualified to teach courses open to all.

    At the end of the experience an email will arrive automatically with a link, from which you will be able to see the preview and decide to purchase the photo package at the price of 15€ per crew.

    No. Once you arrive at our bases you will be escorted to the boarding point by our vehicles! Once the descent is over, the vehicles will be waiting to take you back to your home base.

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