The eskimo is the maneuver used by canoeists, to turn around in the canoe when "tipping" upside down in the water, without having to "unclip" the splash guard and thus get out of the canoe and having to swim to shore. It is the safety maneuver and takes time to learn; it is not just a fine technique for righting: it is also an exercise that allows the canoeist to be able to train in maintaining calmness in the water and expand their comfort zone by raising their safety range in the water.
A pool is available at the Centro Rafting Outdoor Trentino Wild, at the Caldes location, where you can practice eskimo lessons together with a teacher from the Italian canoe and kayak federation. Learning the eskimo technique has never been easier: modern technique and didactics will help you learn the art of "tipping over." The class is designed to teach not only the eskimo, but also the right mental approach and personal safety in adverse conditions. The one-hour class is essential for beginners new to kayaking, as well as experienced kayakers who want to take the quality step.
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Frequently Asked Questions - White-water kayaking
Val di Sole offers several options for canoeing, with rivers suited to all skill levels. You can choose between calmer routes, perfect for beginners or families, and more adventurous routes with rapids and currents for more experienced canoeists. Experienced instructors - just like those who will guide you from Trentino Wild - will be on hand to provide lessons and assistance, making sure you have a safe and enjoyable experience.
around 2 hours
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